I am a woodworker with a love of creating new and beautiful things.  The wood from our coppice is used to produce these hand carved spoons and bowls turned on my pole-lathe.  I endevour to create a connection with the material I work with.  From felling the tree, to splitting the logs, shaping with a hand axe then carving with knives.  The feel of the material in my hands allows me to feel the object as it grows.

I work with 'Green' wood.  This is straight from the tree rather than seasoned wood.  It is still 'moving' as it begins to dry so I work with the grain rather than trying to force what I want on it.  It is a truely organic process.

The wood comes from our coppice.  This is a traditional way of managing woodlands dating back thousands of years.  It is a privilage to be a part of a living environment like a woodland, with each visit seeing things anew, and becoming a part of something that stretches back and, hopefully, forward in time too.